San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish? - the place where I spent almost half of my life's existence. It is the very place where I learned all the things which molded me to become a better person, to give value from the smallest to the biggest things one could have, learning to give not because I have many but because I know how it feels when you have nothing, learning the value of friendship, sharing joy, laughter & pain with the people around. It is not only for the place itself but most  importantly because of the people whom I met, became friends with and even part of me. It is from them that I learned the very meaning of life, the true meaning of sacrifice, to value one's person and to love unconditionally. I would not be what I am now if it's not because of them. Although I may not be as visible as before and may never have the chance to go along with the people I care with again but I will forever be blessed & grateful for all that I am now because of them. All these may not be made possible if San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish didn't exist. And forever, this place will remain in my heart.

Roxanne Pasaol
Editorial Assistant
San Lorenzo Ruiz Philanthropy